abadinfarmer, person who cultivates land (insult, used these days for poor non-Sylhetis working in Sylhet who are feared to one day 'take over' and occupy Sylhet)
abasabas0nclue, hintAsm [gom]
abatiahabatianunemployed, one who has no income, one who has no source of livelihood
abbaabba0nfather, male parent, father-in-law (title/term of address)coarticulation (example)amma abbaammaamma abbaammaabba aŋɡʊɪlunspec. comp. formnthumbwhat1 1ɡa1genaŋɡʊɪlsynbuɽi aŋɡʊɪlunspec. comp. form ofbuɽiaŋɡʊɪlbuɽa1buɽi ɖimunspec. comp. form ofbuɽiɖimaŋɡʊɪl2.1Body2Person2.1.3.1Arm2.1.3Limbabbuunspec. comp. formnfathersynabbababa1unspec. comp. form ofzi2 1baf1bazanunspec. comp. form ofbaf1-zanbazi2unspec. comp. form ofbaf1zi22.6.5.1Man2.6.5Male, female4.1Relationships2.6.4Stage of life4., mother2.6Life4.1.9.1Related by birth4Social behavior2.6.4.5Old person4.1.9.8Family, clan2Person4.1.9Kinship2.6.4.4Adult
abba aŋɡʊɪlnthumb